How to improve business visibility online using Google Ads tools?

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Google Ads is an effective way to build your brand and increase the sales of your products. Unlike all the other advertising platforms, it requires attention to detail and constant monitoring to have a successful campaign. You should focus on using Ads from Google Automation Tools to limit time wasted on the advertising platform tweaking and adjusting settings. There many free and hidden Automation tools can save you lots of time and effort spent on digital marketing while still increasing traffic to your website. Here are some of the Google Ads tips you can implement to improve your business visibility online:

Add your competitors’ keywords to your Ad headlines

Keywords are important in the world of digital marketing. And if you are to succeed in increasing your business visibility, then you should apply the highly competitive keywords in your field to your AdWord headline. Luckily, there is a simple tactic you can apply to improve on your Ad rankings without using the popular keywords. It is using the same keywords used by your competitors in their Ad campaigns. You may even use your competitor's name on the Ad headline.

Invest in a highly converting ad copy

Adding popular keywords and using your competitors’ names in your ad headlines will only boost your ranking on Google. But this is not enough to increase your click-through rates (CTR). Instead, you should both the keywords and a copy that is highly converting. Your Ad Headline should not only contain relevant keywords but also needs to be persuasive to increase the chances of a searcher clicking on your ad. It should be providing help to the searcher’s problem.

Use expanded text ads and extensions

Internal Google data indicate that adding more keywords in your ad can increase your Click-Through-Rates by up to 15 percent. This is because longer text ads give you the opportunity to get your points across and match the searches with your keywords. You can also use extensions to boost your ads. By ensuring all the links are related to your ad, you can include as much as four links with unique landing pages in your ad campaign.

Choose the right Automated Bidding Strategy

Google has ten different bidding methods that you can choose depending on your advertising goals. The enhanced Cost Per Click method (ECPC) is the one that provides the best results with automation. The ECPC is just like all the other normal pay per click campaigns except that Google has more control over the conversion chances of your Ads. Using their Smart Bidding Technology, Google will either increase or decrease your Cost Per Click Bids based on the chances you have to convert your sales. You can also use Target CPA and Maximize Conversions in your bidding strategies. Picking Automated bidding tactics transfers the unnecessary tedious ad works to Google. They will save you the time spent on bids.

Pause your non-performing ads

If you continually fail to improve on your Click-Through-Rates, then you should abandon these ads. There is no way you are going to spend money on an ad campaign that is not adding you, new customers. According to the Search Engine Optimization experts, the standard average click-through rate of an Ad should be 2 percent. Google tends to favor the ads that meet the 2 percent CTR over the ones that get less than 0.5 percent. Adwords are currently the most effective way to advertise your products. They are highly converting if the campaigns are prepared with significant expertise. Your headlines should contain relevant keywords including your competitors’ names. The Ad Copy should also ask and answer a searcher’s possible questions. You should also apply Google Ads Automation tools to reduce the time and effort spent on the advertising platform. Good luck with your Ad campaigns !

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